2024: (28 Minutes) Interview with Wickedly Smart Women.

Dr. Anne and Anjel B. Hartwell discuss how we can help schools identify the students that need support and how we can foster an environment where students and staff feel safe.

2023: (18 Minutes) Interview with CNTV©.

Dr. Anne discusses supporting teachers and our Building Resilient Classrooms Course.

2023: (40 Minutes) Systematic Abuse of Women in Male-Dominated Careers with Dr. Anne Katona and host Gemma Serenity

Dr. Anne discusses how her past has helped her to shape her future. She talks about how she has worked to overcome the shame.

2023: (36 Minutes) Interview with Amanda Blackwood from Survivors - Stories of Hope Life On Podcast.

Amanda and Dr. Anne discuss how her own personal experiences with childhood adversity and trauma, has lead her to advocate for holistic wellness and systems change.

2023: (63 Minutes) Interview with Unfiltered Unspoken Podcast.

Shaping Education, Inspiring Change, Dr. Anne discusses being an advocate for change for mental health and trauma sensitive schools.

2023: The News-Item.

Article “Consultant provides mental health solutions for local schools” by Mackenzie Witt.

2023: (54 Minutes) Interview with Hilary Decesare from the Relaunch Podcast.

Hilary and Dr. Anne discuss how to overcome adversity & build resilience.

2023: (32 Minutes) Interview with B Live Media.

Dr. Anne discusses her book Shedding Lies: Living Beyond Childhood Trauma and how to heal your own childhood trauma.

2023: (21 Minutes) Interview with Jessica Koch from Profound Professionals.

Join Dr. Anne as she discusses her journey to helping to create Safe & Supportive Schools.

2023: (8 Minutes) Interview National Center for Healthy Safe School.

Dr. Anne discusses supporting schools on the journey to creating safe and healthy schools.

2023: (34 Minutes) Interview with Blissful Parenting.

Dr. Anne discusses strategies to classroom calm & her book Shedding Lies: Living Beyond Childhood Trauma.

2023: (40 Minutes) Interview with Stephan Neff

Dr. Anne discusses her book Depression Lied to Me and how her childhood trauma empowers her to help schools create safe & supportive environments.

2023: (57 Minutes) Interview with of Bart Nollenberger Keep the Change

Bart talks with Dr. Anne’s journey about how she uses her own healing journey to help schools achieve more for their students.

2018: (22 Minutes) Interview with of John Zaktansky of One on One.

Dr. Anne joins John to discuss suicide prevention.